ホーム | -----W > Week-End RecordsSuzanne Ciani "Improvisation On Four Sequences" [LP]

Suzanne Ciani "Improvisation On Four Sequences" [LP]

価格: 5,797円(税込)
Label: Week-End Records

スタンフォード大学/ミルズ大学でマックス・マシューズ、ドン・ブックラと出会い、シンセサイザー音楽にのめり込み70年代から名作を残し続けている巨匠Suzanne Ciani。現行の作家との共作及びFinders Keepersからの初期音源復刻など、現在も変わらぬ評価が続く稀有な存在であり、本作は2021年にここWeek-End Recordsのフェスで披露したモジュラーシンセを用いた即興パフォーマンス。簡潔さ、正確さ、繊細さ、氏が提示し続けたエレクトロニクスがストレートに表現された名演。

At Week-End Fest 2021, the enthusiastic audience got the best impression: In Suzanne Ciani‘s „Improvisation On Four Sequences“, the whole history of electronic music is present, the awakening of the American musical avant-garde at the end of the 1960s, which eventually led to the clubs of L.A. and New York. We can hear in Ciani‘s improvisations everything that has made up the development of electronic music since 1970, but above all the dialogue between artist and machine, which simply ends when the concert is over. Laconicism, precision, sound sensitivity and the weight of a tradition that Ciani was instrumental in founding come together: spectacular precisely because it is so unexciting.