ホーム | -----I > I Dischi Di AngelicaLuigi Lullo Mosso + Massimo Simonini + Vincenzo Vasi "FUORIFORMA" [CD]

Luigi Lullo Mosso + Massimo Simonini + Vincenzo Vasi "FUORIFORMA" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: I Dischi Di Angelica

無茶苦茶なコンセプト&構造の面白物件!!ここイタリアI Dischi Di AngelicaのディレクターMassimo Simonini、異端ベーシストLuigi Lullo Mosso、コンポーザーのVincenzo Vasiの三者が、恐らく1997年~1998年頃に掛けて録音していたらしいカルト共同作。本作、数秒から3分程のショートトラックが、なんと80トラックも詰め込まれており、リスナーはそれを自由なシーケンス(曲順)でプレイ可能という面白コンセプトを導入。イタリアのラジオ放送の断片に自身らの歌声を合わせ沈黙と雑音を交互に繰り返すという、奇怪なカットアップ的手法をとっており、そのコミカルで振り切れた表現が異質且つ最高に面白い。

The first release of 2021 by i dischi di angelica is an archive recording documenting a trio of musicians that emerged from the Bologna music scene between the end of the '80s and the beginning of the '90s: Luigi Lullo Mosso (double-bass player and performer, both solo and with Vakki Plakkula, Specchio Ensemble, Roy Paci, Vincenzo Vasi, Guglielmo Pagnozzi, Alessandro Bosetti, etc.), Massimo Simonini (sound manipulator with N.O.R.M.A., Tiziano Popoli, Gianni Gebbia and Tristan Honsinger; also active with Mirco Mariani in Shaloma Locomotiva Orchestra, eXtraLiscio, etc.), and multiinstrumentalist Vincenzo Vasi (member of Ella Guru, Trio Magneto, Mauro Ottolini Sousaphonix and of OoopopoiooO with Valeria Sturba; he collaborated also with Vinicio Capossela, Mike Patton, etc.).

The musicians’ paths had already crossed in various line-ups, but this recording documents their first production as a trio, for which they decided to explore three different approaches:

- Jukebox (“fake karaoke”), made up of a series of short and extremely short performances (ranging from 6 seconds to 3 minutes), in which Vasi and Mosso reacted in singing to record fragments unexpectedly proposed by Simonini;
- Improvisations, both unstructured and starting from sound or structural ideas, which could then be complemented and assembled thematically;
- Lastly, for the long piece parole in movimento, the starting point was a random voice recording from the frequencies of Radio Maria (an Italian religious radio station), which the musicians tried to interpret through movements of different lengths alternating sound and silence, later superimposed.

The exact date of the recordings has been lost, but it was probably around 1997-98, at the peak of the long wave kickstarted by an international movement of musicians who worked on concepts such as media-ecology, plagiarism and creative detournement. This helps putting the spirit of this record and its modes of expression into perspective (even though they were already fuoriforma, “out of form”, at the time), which range from the pyrotechnic game of free associations on “fake karaoke” (deliberately preserved in their integrity, despite their potential naivety, for some) to the more elaborated and meditated soundscapes of the last tracks – with the invitation for each listener to create their own favourite listening sequence out of the 80 tracks on the CD.