ホーム | -----Z > Zoharum COLUMN ONE "W​.​TRANSMISSION 1" [CD]


価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Zoharum

このシリーズは全て激推し!!2人の中心メンバーRene LampとRobert Schalinskiが1991年にベルリンで始動、アーティストとミュージシャンのアプローチが絶えず流動的に変化する集団Column One。このユニットが90年初頭より出版した[W. Transmission]シリーズをポーランドのZoharumが拡張仕様でCD復刻!!本作は1992年にカセットリリースされた[New-Re-Generation]のリイシュー版。創作と現象の間を行く抽象且つ深淵な表現が凄まじく、時代性を全く感じさせないセンスや音配置が激ヤバ。お見逃しなく。

Zoharum is excited to present for the first time on CD "WORLD TRANSMISSION" - ia series of rare transmissions, reduced and performed by COLUMN ONE in chronological order to document some of its phases. This work is no recording. It exists as a stepping cone while it's essential creators were at work.
W.T. 1 was recorded on August 12th, September 27th and October 5th, 1992 as well as January 23th, 1991 and April 17th, 1993.
Previously released in 1992 on cassette tape titled "NEW-RE-GENERATION. The meaning and Function of this series were not clearly defined at the time.Various Unreleased Versions of this First Transmission took shape, all of which followed a diverging emphasis in their conceptional and formal direction. The originally released version, which is not included here, became a marked terminus rather then an origin.
This release focused on the roots of COLUMN ONE that lie in a combination of coded key sounds and images. The associated degrees and movements of immersion and subversion into the consciousness that is COLUMN ONE moved, according to this pattern in a clear process.
These recordings are basic situations. Like pieces of furniture they take place without variations in a psychic Space - without raising claim of wanting to enter a musical universe.
Contact [recorded in 1993] varies the sentence “WHEN WE HEARD THAT NOISE, WE FELL DOWN AND HID OUR FACES.“ of a woman from NEW GUINEA. [1984] is included here as a curious find from childhood and documents first attempts to experiment with tape and sound in 1984.
previously unreleased: contact, alloy, propaganda I, TH W AND [1984].