ホーム | -----D > DistanceDon Bradshaw-Leather "Distance Between Us" [2LP]

Don Bradshaw-Leather "Distance Between Us" [2LP]

価格: 6,897円(税込)
Label: Distance - DIST101

NWWリスト最高峰にして、英国初期サイケデリックロックに関する本およびWebガイドでも重要作品として取り上げられている、謎多きカルトプロジェクトDon Bradshaw-Leatherが72年にセルフで残した極上の名作[Distance Between Us]!!オルガンとピアノによる砕けたジャム、ドカドカと半ば衝動的に打ち込まれる原始的リズム、徐々に浮かび上がるアブストラクトな女性ヴォーカル、妙に土臭くもゴシックホラーとサイケデリックの狭間を行くとんでもない強度の音楽性に唯々圧倒される事必至。ガッシリとしたゲートフォルド・ジャケット。

"The music on this bizarre double album from 1972 is somewhere between gothic horror and psychedelic. Don Bradshaw Leather was apparently some kind of British occult group who self-released this album with no credits. (Also, on the record cover the name is spelled “Bradsham-Leather,” not Bradshaw Leather, as it is referred to in everything from the Nurse With Wound list to the book and web guide on early U.K. psychedelic rock -Tapestry of Delights.) The title track, which takes up the first two sides, begins with some spooky piano rambling and then more mysterious sounds are added in. Soon tribal rhythms pound away while an organ seeps in with more creepy tones. The track gets a bit more intense as the organ and piano jam with the rhythms. Though most of it is instrumental, some wordless female vocals appear toward the end of side one, as the music settles down slightly. The rest of Distance Between Us is quite similar — spooky organ and keyboard chords, obsessive piano plinking, primitive drum circle-style percussions, and other mysterious noises and drones in the background, with an overall pervasive gothic ambience, a horror film/cinematic feel.