ホーム | -----M > MolotonMoonilena "Minnet" [Purple LP]

Moonilena "Minnet" [Purple LP]

価格: 4,917円(税込)
Label: Moloton

廃盤、パープル・カラーヴァイナルにて限定100部!!当店激推しのDiscreet Musicと同じスウェーデンのレーベルであり、ストックホルムより実験的アンビエントの発信を行なっているMoloton。本作がソロとしてのデビュー作になるという若き女性作家Moonilenaの2024年作[Minnet]。加工したフィールド レコーディング、シンセの実験、レイヤーにて複雑となったハーモニーで構成した仄暗い音風景であり、版元解説にある通り混乱した物語の中を彷徨っている様な不思議なリスニング体験が出来ます。

This debut-LP is structured like a long-form piece split up into smaller parts, constructed with manipulated field recordings, synthesis experimentations, layered harmonies and textured sound design. One gets the sense the material journeys through a narrative in disarray, depicted through numerous undisclosed, ambiguous perspectives — there are parts that are melodic, radiant and vaguely warm, like suddenly having tuned in to an imprint of some long-forgotten person’s experiences, distorted by the current of time. At other times, you are presented cold, solitary iterations of synthesis, as if you were stranded within the dormant memory of a digital archive.

A shift in workflow, overall tone and instrumentation from her earlier solo releases makes itself apparent on ‘Minnet’, a thoroughly cohesive piece-as-an-album that simultaneously manages to feel like a collection of diversified ideas, which makes for an engaging listen.