ホーム | -----# > +3DBLene Grenager "Mixed-Handedness" [CD]

Lene Grenager "Mixed-Handedness" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: +3DB

極上のソロワークス!!ノルウェーにてチェロ奏者/コンポーザーとして活動、20年以上に渡り楽器の研究を続けアンサンブルSPUNK、LEMURの核としても動いている女性アーティストLene Grenager。自国の+3dB Recordsより出版したソロアルバム[Mixed-Handedness]を入荷。チェロの音色の可能性を独自の研究でコントロール、完全に物音化した抽象反復やら鬼気迫る摩擦音を様々な角度より放射。一貫性のあるシリアスな攻め具合が最高。




Lene Grenager is one of Norwegian improvs most consistent and original voices. Over two decades her instrumental investigations have formed a cornerstone in her ensembles SPUNK and LEMUR, further developed and extended in her solo practice. Her trademark is a unique control of the cello´s timbral possibilities.

Parallel to her work with improvisation she has composed music for orchestra, sinfonietta, small ensembles, solo and electronic media. Many of her compositions has been recorded and released on labels such as Aurora, Euridice and Øra, as well as on +3DB.

Mixed-handedness is her second solo album, proposing a hypothesis for the relationship between dexterity and sonic imagination.