ホーム | -----A > ADN Ambienti Coassiali, Riccardo Sinigaglia "Guitambients" [LP]

Ambienti Coassiali, Riccardo Sinigaglia "Guitambients" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: ADN

初となる連名作、お見逃し無く!!多くの説明は不要、80年代に参加したプロジェクトの再評価、また現行の活動も活発な大ベテラン人気作家Riccardo Sinigaglia、80年代にセルフレーベルよりノイズ音源をカセットリリースしていたベテランCapricorni Pneumaticiのアンビエント系サイドプロジェクトAmbienti Coassiali、長年共同録音を行なって来た2者が初めての連名タイトルを発表。タイトル"Guitambients"の通り、ミニマム且つ軽快なギターリフを主軸に構成したオブスキュアなトラディショナル・アンビエント作となっており、パーカッション、フルート、ノイズを導入し怪しい東洋的なイメージも創出。適度な混沌具合が最高。




This is the 3rd record of Ambienti Coassiali on ADN, this time officially shared with Riccardo Sinigaglia. Riccardo was already active on all tracks of "Spare Rooms" but here he is mentioned in the main titles. Side A consists of two long tracks and starts with "Guitambient 1" where a subtle treated guitar slowly crawls accompanied by small percussions, flutes and noises. Ten minutes wrapped in a calm climate evocating an ethnic eastern feeling. "Guitambient 2" proposes an intense interchange between treated guitars and electronic devices. It's still an accurate work on small persistent sonorities developed in nine minutes of a dreamy disturbance. "Guitambient 3" covers the entire side B and you better listen to it in the dark. So you can concentrate on the great variety of sounds slowly evolving to a final "crescendo". This track is the compendium of all the inspirations performed by the two musicians on this record.