ホーム | -----A > Another TimbreCatherine Lamb "Curva Triangulus" [CD]

Catherine Lamb "Curva Triangulus" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Another Timbre

Another Timbreをはじめ、New World Records、Sacred Realismといったコンテンポラリーレーベルに、ここ6、7年の間に多くのアルバムを残しているベルリン拠点の人気コンポーザーCatherine Lamb。スイスはベルンのアンサンブル"Ensemble Proton"の為に書いた2021年作[Curva Triangulus]が音盤化。2つのふいごと2つの36鍵オクターブを備えた微分音オルガン"Arciorgano"をはじめ、"トリプル・ハープ"、"ルポフォン"、"コントラフォルテ"などの珍しい楽器が使用された濃密な美しさを持つ室内楽。

'Curva Triangulus' is a superb composition from 2021 by Catherine Lamb, written for and played by Ensemble Proton, who are based in Bern, and have access to some of the unusual instruments used in piece, including arciorgano, baroque triple harp, lupophone and contraforte.

More details about the piece can be found in Catherine Lamb's and Richard Haynes's sleevenotes, which are included as bonus items with the music.

Sound engineer, editing and mastering: Ingo Schmidt-Lucas

Cover drawing by Catherine Lamb

Ensemble Proton
Bettina Berger - flute, alto flute
Martin Bliggenstorfer - cor anglais, lupophone
Richard Haynes - clarinet d’amore, bass clarinet
Elise Jacoberger - bassoon, contraforte
Vera Schnider - triple harp
Coco Schwarz - arciorgano
Maximilian Haft - violin
Jan-Filip Ťupa - violoncello