ホーム | -----S > St.An.Da.Dirk Serries "Defiance Of Self" [CD]

Dirk Serries "Defiance Of Self" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: St.An.Da.

現在はフリージャズ/即興ものを手掛けるレーベルA New Wave Of Jazzのオーナーとして知られる、1980年代半ばに登場し初期はノイズ /インダストリアルの脈で活動、その後独自のアンビエント路線を追求していったベルギーの作曲家Vidna ObmanaことDirk Serries。同レーベルから出版した前作[The Disintegration Of Silence]は非常に素晴らしい出来でしたが、それと同路線をいく2024年新作[Defiance Of Self]を発表。エレキギターのフィードバックを揺蕩う様に放射したノイジー・アンビエントであり、80年代の陰鬱でメランコリックなイメージを音像化したというもの。

After "THE DISINTEGRATION OF SILENCE", marked as a continuation of the work between visual artist Stefano Gentile and Belgian ambient musician Dirk Serries, Dirk returns to Stefano's Silentes/13 label with a new album, entitled "DEFIANCE OF SELF". In the wake of its predecessor, Dirk worked on this album in January 2024 using his motherboard of pedals and an electric guitar to create this slightly darker and experimental album. Once again performed and recorded entirely in real-time, and embracing the willful character of some of his outboard pedal effects, Dirk allows them to lead direction of each piece. "DEFIANCE OF SELF" is alienating, expansive, utterly eerie and inventive, as the author continues to consolidate a new creative path that's clearly his own. Let yourself be absorbed in this dark realm of thematic soundscapes, accentuated by the somber and melancholic '80s style of Stefano Gentile's photography.