ホーム | -----S > SonoscopiaMSHR "Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle" [CD]

MSHR "Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle" [CD]

価格: 2,717円(税込)
Label: Sonoscopia

LAFMS系とも絡みのある激ヤバ・プロジェクト!!2011年に米国はオレゴン州ポートランドの芸術集団"Oregon Painting Society"から誕生、音、光、彫刻、ソフトウェアで構成されるシステムを共同で構築/探求するBirch CooperとBrenna MurphyのコンビMSHR。当店ではEric & Jackie StewartのLAFMS系デュオ"The Tenses"との共同録音を幾つか紹介済みですが、こちらはポルトガルのSonoscopiaが出版した単独アルバム。独自のアナログ電子システムを使用した一連の即興演奏を収録、ジェスチャー・インターフェイスを介して放たれる無骨なフィジカル電子音はまさにカッコイイの一言。

Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle documents MSHR's legendary light-audio hardware performances from a period of frequent touring circa 2015-2019. The crystalized structures of their live systems are presented here through a series of studio recordings made during a residency at Sonoscopia, Porto. This album, like their live performances, contains a series of improvisations using MSHR's unique analog electronic systems. Their live sets are known to be strikingly visual for their use of gestural interfaces and light-audio feedback, bringing the audience into an immersive undulating mindscape. These recordings capture that synaesthetic quality while emphasizing the aural dimension of the work in a way not possible in a live setting. MSHR compares improvisation to moving stones in a river, interacting with a landscape to shift the flow of its elements. These recordings capture the sonic dimension of raw electricity surging through a morphing constellation of analog computer chips, flashing bulbs and extreme (in)human presence.