ホーム | -----K > kythibong recordsL’Ocelle Mare "Temps en Terre" [LP]

L’Ocelle Mare "Temps en Terre" [LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: kythibong records

超ストイックなバンジョー研究録音!!フランスShelter Pressからソロアルバム[Sans Chemin]も発表している、様々な物体音増幅とバンジョーの解放演奏を探求するL'ocelle MareことThomas Bonvalet。2005年からソロ活動を開始し現在まで6作品をリリースしている人物で、本作は綿密に構成された全9パートからなるスタジオ録音[Temps En Terre]。時計?および目覚ましの音?に似た物体音を随所に拡散、バンジョーやピアノの断片を使い組み立てた硬派な音響と思いきや、ガッチリとしたシーケンスにて妙な高揚感も創出するオモシロ要素も満載の内容。

Meticulously structured studio recordings from Thomas Bonvalet exploring various forms of object amplification and emancipated banjo. Thomas Bonvalet has evolved his solitary project, L'Ocelle Mare since 2005, searching relentlessly through sound, in between great constraints and beautiful escapes. Guitarist in the duo Cheval de Frise, until 2004, he began his solo project by dissecting this instrument, then moved away from it, widening his horizons, gradually developing an instrumentarium meeting the demanding requirements of his sound research. The music laboratory which is L'Ocelle Mare is open to the four winds. There one can meet, for the duration of collective experimentations, the likes of Powerdove, Arlt, Radikal Satan, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Arnaud Rivière, Will Guthrie, Gaspar Claus, Daunik Lazro, Fred Jouanlong and Sylvain Lemêtre.