ホーム | -----O > Other MindsTerry Riley, Thollem, Nels Cline "The Light is Real" [LP]

Terry Riley, Thollem, Nels Cline "The Light is Real" [LP]

価格: 4,917円(税込)
Label: Other Minds

凄まじいです、ミニマルミュージックの大家Terry Rileyのボイスをいじり倒した濃密コンクレート!!ピアニスト、ボーカリスト、作曲家であり現在は主に即興演奏の分野で活動、様々な場所及び形態にて長年パフォーマンスを継続してきたThollem McDonas考案による、"Terry Rileyの声"を主軸としたボイス実験作[The Light Is Real]。氏と自身の声をシンセサイザーの機能を使い緻密に加工、祈りの様な持続音イメージや無骨な口腔ノイズ、振り切れたスポークンワードなど、ありとあらゆる手法をごちゃ混ぜにしたド派手ミックス。非常にカッコイイです。300部限定。

Deluxe LP in a limited edition of 300 with printed inner sleeve

Other Minds is pleased to present The Light is Real, featuring the trio of Thollem (voice and wavestate synthesizer), Terry Riley (voice), and Nels Cline (electric guitars, effects, and megamouth). This recording is the sixth iteration of the Thollem/Cline trio, with previous installments including performances by William Parker, Pauline Oliveros, and Michael Wimberly.

The origins of this recording go back to an epiphany Thollem experienced in Northern New Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic. While watching the sunlight stream through a window, two thoughts came to him: “the light is real” and “Terry Riley.” Soon after proposing a collaboration to Riley, the pair were meeting online to vocalize, investigating breath and light together across a 10 hour time difference. Thollem sampled these recordings using his synthesizer and invited Nels Cline to record with him in response to the recordings with Riley. The result of that process is The Light is Real.