ホーム | -----N > New World RecordsAlvin Lucier "Orchestra Works" [CD]

Alvin Lucier "Orchestra Works" [CD]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: New World Records

激ヤバのオーケストラワークス3編!!物体の振動方法、音波が人間の耳に伝わる方法、そして脳がそれらを処理する方法等、非常にディープな音響現象を掘り下げ続け2021年12月に他界した米エクスペリメンタル界の巨匠Alvin Lucier。聴くという行為を徹底的に突き詰めた人物ですが、本作はその視点より作曲した3つのオーケストラ曲を収録したアルバム。氏の演奏でお馴染みのCharles CurtisやAnthony Burrが参加したオーケストラ、またチェコのJanacek Philharmonic Orchestraが演奏を担当、聴くという基本的な行為への挑戦が体感出来る凄まじい内容です。

For nearly fifty years the work of Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) has marked off a space unlike any other in American music. By now a hero to three generations of experimentalists, Lucier continues to make work at a brisk pace, finding new, surprising and radical approaches to the same artistic concerns.

His subject is the human as listener, and his music can be understood as a detailed, exhaustive investigation into the complexities of the act of listening. The results are often uncanny, but the approach is through the familiar and the ordinary; and the production is invariably of rare composerly discipline and exactness of execution.

The three works presented on this album set forth three perspectives on the orchestra, monument of the European concert tradition. In each work we hear unmistakable echoes of the familiar iconography of the orchestra, associations with the past that are the bearers of complex meanings.

Yet in a kind of tandem reality, sound itself pushes forward, bringing us back to the present, to our immediate presence as listeners, and to meanings independent of association. The world construed as what is known, as a set of received notions, is gently put in question; another world, the one we live in moment to moment, is briefly illuminated.