ホーム | -----V > Vin Du Select QualititeRob Noyes "Arc Minutes" [LP]

Rob Noyes "Arc Minutes" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Vin Du Select Qualitite

鈴木彩文氏とも共作を発表しているギタリストRob Noyesのソロ音源!!ニューイングランド出身、現在は東京を拠点に活動しているギター奏者Rob Noyes。VDSQより出版された自身2枚目となるフルレングスLP[Arc Minutes]。レオ・コッケ的なスタイルを得意とする人物で、コンパクトなアレンジメントの中で力強いアコースティックの妙技を披露する先鋭的フォーク・アルバム。重厚な仕上がりのジャケットも素晴らしい。

Deluxe LP housed in old style tip-on jacket with UV spot finishes.

A dazzling display of 12-string melodicism, Arc Minutes is the second full-length LP from once New Englander, now Tokyo-based, instrumentalist Rob Noyes. If one had to pin an influence from the holy trinity, rather than the existential drift of Fahey or the raga-tinged interpretations of Robbie Basho, Noyes excels at Leo-Kottke-style dynamics playing huge, bright runs within compact arrangements that explode with exuberance. Since his debut, Noyes has matured with an intense focus and here delivers a concise, powerful collection of acoustic virtuosity, further cementing his status among the most revered young players to emerge from the modern solo guitar set. “I've strayed from double thumb type fingerpicking and a little more towards unusual rhythmic patterns and tunings that are unique to the 12-string, says Noyes. “There are general musical ideas I tend to focus on when writing, like dynamics, rhythm, how the texture shifts/develops, that were probably somewhat noticeable on the first record that I think are much more in the forefront this time. I've become a lot more comfortable playing over the past couple of years, so I feel I can play odd meter/polyrhythm type stuff with a lot more ease. It's taken some time for my playing to catch up to my writing, so I think this new record is a much clearer statement musically.” These developments are front and center as Arc Minutes flows with a beguiling dexterity. While there are plenty of forceful displays of guitar picking, the album is punctuated by lovely ballads such as “Dwelling” and “And How” to show the gentler side of Noyes' playing. But these moments of respite only highlight the record's assertiveness. Noyes’ easygoing mannerisms offstage belie a fierce command of finger-picking and composition that result in an album that hits immediately and rings resoundingly. Injecting a fresh spirit into classic forms, Arc Minutes is an essential addition to the VDSQ catalog, a new peak.