ホーム | -----V > Vin Du Select QualititeAlan Licht "Currents" [LP]

Alan Licht "Currents" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Vin Du Select Qualitite

重鎮のミニマル・アコースティック・ソロ録音!!Rashied Ali、Derek Bailey、Fennesz、Jim O'Rourke、DJ Spooky、Christian Marclay、John Zorn、Rhys Chathamといった名だたる音楽家/演奏家とセッションを行い、ミニマル・ミュージック研究家としても知られるアラン・リクト。Steve Lowenthalがキュレーションを行うインストゥルメンタル・ギター特化型のレーベル"VDSQ (Vin Du Select Qualitite)"より出版したアコギ・ソロ音源[Currents]。多くの説明用は不要、唯々浸って頂きたいクール過ぎる名演。

Minimal acoustic melodicism from this NYC mainstay. Over the past two decades, guitarist Alan Licht has worked with a veritable who's who of the experimental world, from free jazz legends (Rashied Ali, Derek Bailey) and electronica wizards (Fennesz, Jim O'Rourke) to turntable masters (DJ Spooky, Christian Marclay) and veteran Downtown New York composers (John Zorn, Rhys Chatham). Licht is also renown in the indie rock scene as a bandleader (Run On, Love Child) and supporting player to cult legends like Tom Verlaine, Arthur Lee, Arto Lindsay, and Jandek. He has released five albums of compositions for tape and solo guitar, and his sound and video installations have been exhibited in the U.S. and Europe. With Sonic Youth's Lee Ranaldo, he founded Text of Light, an ongoing ensemble which performs freely improvised concerts alongside screenings of classic avant garde cinema"