ホーム | -----V > Vin Du Select QualititeSix Organs Of Admittance "Sleep Tones" [2LP]

Six Organs Of Admittance "Sleep Tones" [2LP]

価格: 5,577円(税込)
Label: Vin Du Select Qualitite

全面ロックド・グルーブという面白物件!!長編アンビエント作が2枚組LPフォーマットで登場!!ジョン・フェイヒー、ロビー・バショーからの強い影響下、Six Organs Of Admittanceとしてサイケデリック/アシッドフォークを軸とした実験サウンドを展開してきたBen Chasny。本作の版元であるVDSQレーベルメイトのChuck Johnsonがマスタリングを担当した、凄まじい没入感を提供するアンビエント持続音大作[Sleep Tones]のLP化版。全サイド、楽曲のラストにロックド・グルーブが仕込まれており、延々と終わることの無い無限反復に引き込まれます。

Limited Edition Deluxe Gatefold 2LP

Six Organs of Admittance takes listeners through an extended narcoleptic journey on Sleep Tones, an all-electronic double album of new ambient work. Mastered by VDSQ labelmate Chuck Johnson, Sleep Tones was made with a specific effect in mind. These new sounds from the Six Organs universe represent an essential creative shift from one of the great guitarists of the 21st century, showcasing his ever-evolving palate. An antidote to modern overload, Sleep Tones provides a welcome stasis. In its physical manifestation, each side of Sleep Tones ends with a locked groove in case of dream state, with no fear of a needle sliding outside the set mood. These sounds lull through speakers and headphones, creating ideal conditions for consciousness drift.

1. Alnitak - Left handed triple star system sunset tones. Ascending tritones responding to descending tritones balance each other into pure matter.

2. Alnilam - Center star tones capture blue supergiant gravitational forces. Hyper luminosity touched with the faintest eldritch whistle for those willing to open dreams to possible extra-dimensional contact.

3. Mintaka - Right handed equatorial tones circumambulate the universal exhale. Getting closer to the celestial sunrise. Tones for preparation inside of the dream.

4. Messier 42 - Entirety of the celestial body for creation aspects, collapsed into vertical time. Tones created for creation and cryogenic rest.