ホーム | -----T > Trost RecordsRasmussen / Sakata / O'Rourke / Corsano "Live at SuperDeluxe - Volume 1" [LP]

Rasmussen / Sakata / O'Rourke / Corsano "Live at SuperDeluxe - Volume 1" [LP]

価格: 4,257円(税込)
Label: Trost Records

マーヴル・ヴァイナル仕様!!Fire! OrchestraやTashi Dorjiとコラボレートをしてきたデンマークの女性サックスプレイヤーMette Rasmussen、坂田明、ジム・オルーク、そしてChris Corsanoという強者カルテットが、2017年スーパーデラックスにて披露したセッションがLP化!!凄まじい緩急で突き抜ける演奏の展開のカッコ良さ然り、本作のハイライトは間違いなく坂田明の呪術的なボイス。氏のアルトサックスと同等にダイナミックであり、本能的に喉の奥から発せられる呪文の様な言霊は是体感すべき。

From the outset this ad hoc quartet hit the gas, launching into a frenzied, high-octane set with alto saxophonist Rasmussen engaging in a furious tightrope-walk of upper register screams while O’Rourke unspools some of the most gnarly guitar noise this side of Masayuki Takayanagi. Of course, with such flinty, seasoned improvisers there are thrilling peaks-and-valleys, such as the extended hydroplaning guitar O’Rourke sculpts mid-way through the first extended piece, with the rest of the group taking a much-deserved pause. The pause sets the stage of a thrilling recalibration, with Corsano first diving in with an epic improvisation only to recede for one of Sakata’s singular vocal improvisations, a throaty incantation as dynamic and visceral as his alto playing. Rasmussen returns, with Sakata picking up his clarinet, and suddenly the twinned reed blast that started the whole performance toggles into more spacious interplay, tapping into jazz orthodoxy without being held captive by it.

The entire recording is a testament to refined listening. Even at the most scorching peaks each player is deftly attuned to one another’s sonic projections. Bridging generations, continents, and individual aesthetics, Rasmussen, Corsano, Sakata, and O’Rourke find common cause, convening for an evening of galvanic sound that’s simultaneously exhilarating and spiritual.