ホーム | -----S > Sublime RetreatVehicule "Aubusson" [CD]

Vehicule "Aubusson" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Sublime Retreat

コンテンポラリー&アンビエントの間をいく不思議な音響作を2019年頃より発表し始めた孤高の作家VehiculeことSylvain Milliot。タペストリーで有名なフランスの都市"Aubusson"をタイトルとした2023年ソロアルバム。タイトル通り各トラックを音楽のタペストリーと設定し夢のような風景を旅するイメージにて統一。キーボード、フルート、サンプルを用いた様々な即興ソースで絵画的なサウンドを紡いだ9作品。美しいスリーヴデザインはRutger Zuydervelt (Machinefabriek)が担当。

Aubusson is the fourth album by musician and composer Sylvain Milliot under the moniker Véhicule.

The album's title refers to the French city of Aubusson, well known for its tapestries. Véhicule has composed each track as a musical tapestry, a sound capsule that can evoke imaginary pictures, like a journey through a dreamy landscape. In this way, the titles, with their poetic dimension, can resonate with the music, just as the title next to a painting we see in a museum can bring meaning (or disturbance) to the viewer.

The music, as in Véhicule's previous albums, is composed of various sources of improvisation on many devices (keyboards, flutes, samples) and rearranged in the editing process. Aubusson focuses on the relationship between acoustic and electronic sounds (such as pump organ and synthesizers) and nuances of the listening experience, with attention to the pleasure of music in its rhythmic, melodic and harmonic aspects.

All the tracks have in common that they share a mood or a certain colour and carry emotions, like a vehicle, a poem or a sound metaphor.