ホーム | -----E > Et AliaKarl Van Deun "dance of the hermits" [CD]

Karl Van Deun "dance of the hermits" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Et Alia

限定100部、1992年に録音した小作品集!!ジミー ・ワイブルとビル・フリゼールを敬愛、その影響に即興要素を加え独自のスタイルを開拓していったギタリストKarl Van Deun。氏が1992年にソロギター用に書き録音した牧歌な即興作品[dance of the hermits]が初音盤化。心地良さと妙な緊張感が並走する非常にアブストラクトな内容となっており、フィンガーピッキングにてブルース、またスウィングの影響も落とし込んでいます。DVDサイズのリソグラフ・プリント・ジャケ。

Limited Edition Compact Disc (DVD size)
Riso printed and in PVC sleeve

In 1992, Karl Van Deun wrote a series of short pieces for solo guitar. Somewhere in the back of his mind was the music of Jimmy Wyble and his art of "two-line improvisation," a method of approaching guitar pieces from counterpoint. Bill Frisell was also constantly on his mind, as Van Deun was working on a thesis on the legendary jazz guitarist at the time.

To these influences he responded intuitively and he captured the musical atmosphere in typical Van Deun compositions. The music sounds exciting and personal. In addition to abstract characteristics, the pieces have clear influences from fingerpicking, blues and swing.

Now a selection was made from this fine series that has so far remained under the radar. The short CD appears on Et Alia, the imprint of Aspen Edities.