ホーム | -----L > La Scie DoreeKris Vanderstraeten, Daniel Duchamp, Luis Ferin, Timo van Luijk "Traces du Hasard" [LP]

Kris Vanderstraeten, Daniel Duchamp, Luis Ferin, Timo van Luijk "Traces du Hasard" [LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: La Scie Doree

(予約受付中 - 10月中旬入荷予定)

偶然発見された90年代のセッション音源!!アヴァン/電子音楽の先駆者達の復刻及びアーカイヴ音源を制作するMetaphon、そしてここLa Scie Doreeを主宰し精力的な音源発表を継続しているベルギーのベテラン音楽家Timo Van Luijk。氏がKris Vanderstraeten、Daniel Duchamp、Luis Ferinらベテラン勢と最初に行った1994年のセッション録音が30年越しで発見され音盤化。当時Timo Van Luijkが住んでいたバルコニーから録音した車の走行音、そこにシームレスに重なるジャズ/フリー・インプロビゼーションの燻し銀セッション。音質、内容共に驚くほどに優れた記録として残っています。

This album is a bit of an accumulation of coincidences.
It is the first recording session I did with Kris Vanderstraeten, back in 1994, together with Daniel Duchamp and Luis Ferin. The session recording had since disappeared from attention and 30 years later, while going through old DAT tape archives, I came across it by chance, initially even not knowing who/what it was...
The tape started with a recording of cars, captured from my balcony in Brussels, where I lived at the time. I decided to integrate the cars as an intro to the music session that fitted in seamlessly. Both the recording quality and the musical performance were remarkably good. A lost and found little treasure. It was a refreshing time for me, playing with people from a jazz and free improvisation background. We became good friends.