ホーム | -----N > No LabelThe Volume Settings Folder "Oostende" [CD-R]

The Volume Settings Folder "Oostende" [CD-R]

価格: 1,837円(税込)
Label: No Label

イタリアのギタリストであるM. Beckmannが自身の考えるローカルなアンビエンスを伝えるべく、エクスペリメンタル、アンビエント、環境音、ドローン、ポストロックを織り交ぜたスタイルにて立ち上げた個人プロジェクトThe Volume Settings Folder。各タイトル限定50部で統一、一つ一つ異なる手作りのパッケージデザインが美しいセルフシリーズ。程よくノスタルジーなサウンドスケープ、変則な動きが心地良いギター音響、更には気配の様な音像までをやってのける素晴らしい音楽性の持ち主。本作は2023年12月に出版されたCD-R作[Oostende]。氏がベルギーのオーストエンデを訪れた時に幾つかの写真を撮影、その海沿いの街の風景をサウンドスケープに置き換えたもの。毎度の如く美しいデザインのパッケージ。

in my mind I started composing this album in 2018, the first time I visited Oostende and took some of these pictures. then I made Organic Leisure, inspired by that visit to Belgium, but I always had the feeling that I had to devote another album to the coastal city and the emotions it moved in me. also I had to use a couple of opposing pictures I shot during the renovations at a royal promenade, which for some reason I really loved.

now, 5 years later, I'm about to travel there again. my music style has slightly shifted, and the time has come for this album to see the light. its inception stems possibly from a very private, personal space, but I hope it will induce some pleasurable shivering in the listener as well, as if contemplating the untamable and fascinating North Sea on a winter day.