ホーム | -----N > No LabelThe Volume Settings Folder "Sketches From Afar" [CD-R]

The Volume Settings Folder "Sketches From Afar" [CD-R]

価格: 1,837円(税込)
Label: No Label

30部限定。イタリアのギタリストであるM. Beckmannが自身の考えるローカルなアンビエンスを伝えるべく、エクスペリメンタル、アンビエント、環境音、ドローン、ポストロックを織り交ぜたスタイルにて立ち上げた個人プロジェクトThe Volume Settings Folder。一つ一つ異なる手作りのパッケージデザインが美しいセルフシリーズ。程よくノスタルジーなサウンドスケープ、変則な動きが心地良いギター音響、更には気配の様な音像までをやってのける素晴らしい音楽性の持ち主。本作は2013年発表され長らく廃盤となっていた初期作[Sketches from Afar]の新装復刻版。フィールドレコーディングとテレビからのサウンドを集めドローンとループを作り上げた幽玄なサウンド・コレクション。毎度の如く美しいデザインのパッケージ。

this is not a collection of leftovers. this is basically a collection of sounds in their practical form of loops.

during the last two years I collected a pretty decent amount of recordings, be those field recordings or snippets from german tv thrillers, or simply me playing on an instrument. I always try to record something that I think might be useful for a precise composition or a specific way of manipulation, and sometimes I succeed in this task.

either I get what I wanted or not, the creation of loops is the inevitable mid-stage of this process. sometimes, while trying to enrich the sound, add something to this first raw layer, simply nothing goes right, nothing fits.

now, listening back to those manipulations I realize that some of them could live on their own. or maybe, this is what they were trying to tell me from the very first moment I created them.

so "Sketches from Afar" is a collection of drones and loops in their most elemental, essential form, evoking a feeling or a state of the mind, an ephemeral and transient flutter that could have last a second or an hour, if not an entire day.