Label: Nyahh Records
2年振りとなるソロアルバム!!名門Sub Rosaや、ストイックな音源を連発するSecond Editionsにソロ音源を残し、Alvin LucierやTashi Wadaの楽曲演奏で知られるJudith Hamannともデュオ録音を録ったりしている、シアトル出身のチェロ奏者にしてコンポーザーLori Goldston。アイルランド・ツアーの際にNyahh RecordsのオーナーWillie Stewartが帯同、各パフォーマンスを録音し纏めのが本作[Convolutions]。各々の会場が放つ雰囲気に合わせテクニックや音色も変化、しかし一貫して図太い芯の様なサウンドが確認出来るハードコア録音集。
Comes in a lovely gatefold card case with art by Alan Doyle
In 2022 Lori Goldston went on a small 4 date tour of Ireland playing in Cork, Limerick, Leitirm and Drogheda. Willie Stewart of Nyahh Records drove her on the tour and recorded each performance. With Lori’s permission, Willie edited and mixed each performance and put them together to make this album. The end result is a collection of improvisations and spontaneous moments. Every performance is drastically different to one another in mood, energy and technique. In these recordings you can hear how Lori’s playing is influenced by each space and it’s atmosphere. This set of improvisations is an ear opening journey into the cello and Lori’s intimate relationship to it.