ホーム | -----S > SAAMLENGMirt • Ter "Sounds of Cambodian Speakers" [CD]

Mirt • Ter "Sounds of Cambodian Speakers" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)

秀逸なフィールドレコーディング・シリーズ!!全種オススメ!!ポーランドにて電子音楽家として、またアンビエント及びシューゲイズ・バンドの一員として活動するTomek Mirt。並行して長年フィールドレコーディストとしても活動を続けてきた人物で、その成果を定期的にプライベートレーベルSaamlengより音源として発表。本作は2024年2月にカンボジアのバッタンバンとプノンペン周辺街で行ったフィールドレコーディング。遠くから響く地元の結婚式の音楽、移動式屋台から響く広告サウンドといった、無数のスピーカー・サウンドスケープを捉えた面白物件。フルカラー、6パネル紙ジャケット。

Comes in full colour, 6 pages, gatefold cover. Pressed CD.

Whether it's the distant echos of local wedding sound systems or the screeching advertisements coming from mobile scooter-powered stalls, the Southeast Asian landscape is filled with the voices of myriads of loudspeakers. This collection compiles only recordings from around Battambang and Phnom Penh in Cambodia, but in many ways is universal for the entire region. The countryside, the temples, and city streets, are full of these artificial sounds generated by mobile phones, PA systems or even simple beepers. Sometimes it just adds a unique flavor to the place, as when you hear the soft sounds of local music among vast rice fields, other times it is surreal, even slightly disturbing, as in the case of bird recordings played near the silos to scare away other avians. Sometimes even in the most remote places you are accompanied by an almost inaudible distant bass throbbing of large speakers. In cities, voice messages take on a unique character, especially when they are amateur-recorded advertisements looped in toy-like megaphones. We tried to bring together all these soundscape defining elements on this album.