ホーム | -----S > Siren RecordsRobert Haigh "Tempus Fugit: Rare and Unreleased" [CD]

Robert Haigh "Tempus Fugit: Rare and Unreleased" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Siren Records


ロバート・ヘイは、2009年から2011年にかけてピアノ・ソロ・アルバム3部作(「Notes and Crossings」、「Anonymous Lights」、「Strange and Secret Things」)を、2015年には「The Silence of Ghosts」をSiren Recordsからリリースしました。これらのアルバムに収録された楽曲は、プロジェクトの流れや展開を考慮して慎重に選ばれました。必然的に、さまざまな理由から、いくつかの曲はアルバムにフィットせず、そのクオリティにかかわらず未発表となっていました。「Tempus Fugit」の当初の計画は、サブタイトルが示すように、レアな未発表曲を集めてアルバムにまとめることでした。しかし、楽曲をコンパイルする過程で、ロバートはこのプロジェクトが独自の流れと物語を持つアルバムに発展しつつあることに気づきました。アルバムの構成と進行を考慮し、ロバートは自身のレコーディング・アーカイブから10曲(Unseen Worldsからのアルバム製作時に残された3曲を含む)を注意深くキュレーションし、最適なシークエンスになるようにアレンジしました。その結果、「Tempus Fugit」は独自の流れを持つユニークなアルバムに成長しました。このアルバムは、ロバートの作品を追いかけてきた人たちへの餞別になると同時に、まだ彼の音楽の扉を開いていない人たちにとっては、入門編となることでしょう。


Robert Haigh made his trilogy of piano solo albums (‘Notes and Crossings’, ‘Anonymous Lights’, and ‘Strange and Secret Things’) during 2009-2011 and ‘The Silence of Ghosts’ in 2015 for Siren Records. The tracks for each of these releases were carefully selected with consideration for the flow and development of the project. Inevitably, for various reasons, some tracks did not fit a particular album and they have remained unreleased regardless of their quality.

The original plan of the “Tempus Fugit” release was, as the subtitle suggests, to collect and assemble rare and unreleased tracks into an album. However, in the process of his compiling the tracks, Robert noticed that the project was developing into an album that had a flow and narrative of its own. Considering the structure and progression of the album, Robert carefully curated ten pieces from his recording archives (including three tracks left over from the Unseen Worlds period) and arranged them to make the best sequence selection.

As a result, “Tempus Fugit” has grown into a unique album with its own sense of flow, though none of the tracks were recorded with the aim of making this particular album. “Tempus Fugit” will be a parting gift to those who have followed his works while at the same time, a useful selection as “young person's guide to Robert Haigh” to those who have yet to open the door of his music.

The album opens with ’Slow Water.’ A distant and plaintive piano melody evolves with ghostly harmonies through a reverb soaked landscape. ’The Wind Blows Black’ is an improvisation on a theme where discordant piano figures tumble over fragile descending chords. ‘Sub Rosa’ and ‘Broken Bones’ are Haigh at his most melodic, conjuring up the feel of tracks such as ‘Clear Water’ and ‘Portrait with Shadow’.’ In A Space’ slightly predates the first Siren release and wouldn’t be out of place on an early Budd and Eno album. The album closes with the ghostly ‘Tesselate Air’, a slow-moving ambient trip across a misty and shadowy terrain, slowly fading to silence. And the silence is significant as Robert is insistent that there will be no more releases after this.

Written and produced by Robert Haigh. Mastered by Denis Blackham at Skye Mastering. Sleeve artwork by Robert Haigh. Additional design by Saul Haigh.