ホーム | -----I > Important RecordsHarry Bertoia "Mechanization I & II" [LP]

Harry Bertoia "Mechanization I & II" [LP]

価格: 4,477円(税込)
Label: Important Records

シリーズの中でも異質の内容!!彫刻家にして工業デザイナーのHarry Bertoiaが70年代に自主制作で発表し続けた"Sonambient"シリーズ。本作は、版元曰く"彼が最初のインダストリアル・ミュージシャンだった"という事を証明する、意図的に機械/工場のようなサウンドを奏でたリズミカルな1971年演奏記録[Mechanization]。自身の頭の中にある忙しい工場のイメージを、圧倒的なコントロールとセンスで見事に表現した超傑作。凄まじいです。

On this new LP Harry Bertoia shows why he may have been the first industrial musician. Bertoia often referred to his sound sculptures as a "collaboration with industry" and on this new LP Bertoia is intentionally creating heavy, rhythmic music he described as "mechanized," "mechanical" and "factory like."

This first edition is packaged in a full color sleeve with metallic inks. Mastered by Tom Eaton at Sounds & Substance.

IMPREC · Harry Bertoia - Mechanization II - From Mechanization LP - Available: 11.15.24
Recorded in 1971, percussion and repetition emulate the pounding rhythms of machinery on this unique pair of conceptual Bertoia compositions. Bertoia utilizes innovative performance techniques to create new sounds unheard in his ouevre. Even in the busy factory of Bertoia's mind, distant stillness rises up as Bertoia exhibits the massive amount of control he possesses over his many looming sculptures.

"Mechanization" is just one of the many sonic directions Bertoia took while composing and recording between the late 1950's and his death in 1978. He documented all of his ideas and directions in notes accompanying the hundreds of tapes discovered in his barn.