ホーム | -----I > Ina-GrmRegis Renouard Lariviere "Futaie / Tchernoziom" [CD]

Regis Renouard Lariviere "Futaie / Tchernoziom" [CD]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: Ina-Grm

INA-GRMのデッドストックCD!!Philippe Mion、Jacques Lejeuneのもとでエレクトロアコースティックを学び、90年代末にはGRM主催のワークショップで定期的に活動、テープ音楽のほか、舞台、ダンス、演劇用の音楽も手掛けたRegis Renouard Lariviere。後にRecollection GRMシリーズからのリリースで知られる事になる作家ですが、それ以前に残していた唯一音源が本作。物事のあり方をコンセプチュアルに電子音楽として導き出した2つの長編[Futaie]、[Tchernoziom]を収録。

Futaie (1996), 14’

By the way it unfolds over time, like a long and slow sentence of which only the punctuation remains, by opposition of flat tints between motionless masses and useless fulgurances, “Futaie” has something more to do with the time of a description than with the description of a particular object: it is difficult to find there figurations of country groves or small rabbits... Although...
“Futaie” is a hollowed out, widened, distended moment, trying to render, by means of the temporal succession, which is inherent in music, the feeling of a simultaneous time, of a “common presence” of things, in their individual and joint durations, in the way trees form a “futaie” (forest). Like a moment dismantled, deconstructed, presented successively. A sort of ceremonial music, but a ceremony without worship, slow, stretched, and by its slowness guaranteeing itself the small beer of the heartbeat, at the same time set, threatened and aroused by the silence that surrounds and crosses it, it takes up concerns that were already mine in my previous piece, “Bromios”. Their common concern is that of rising and silence. A concern for which Acousmatic music may be a particularly good bearer, as it works on the principle of sounds that are cut off from their causes and free from their origins.
“Futaie” was composed in a few weeks, after a very long preparation, between last July and January, in the G.R.M. studios.

R.R.L., February 1996

Tchernoziom (1998), 18’

“Tchernoziom”, noun (There are other spellings Cernozem, Tchernozem, Tchernozion, etc.). Noun coming directly from a Ukrainian word meaning “black earth”, and referring particularly to these Ukrainian lands, a millennia-old mixture of loess and organic matter, reputed for their extreme fertility.
“Tchernoziom”, as a title, therefore has something to do with the “Steppes of Central Asia”, or with the “Song of the Earth”. But it is a song of the earth-matter: rough lumps, grained powders, fluid dust; porosity, friability, erosion.
A study with brief, iterative sounds and ascending motifs.
Work on the notions of cycle and catastrophe.