ホーム | -----I > Ina-GrmV.A "9 Trajectoires" [9CD box]

V.A "9 Trajectoires" [9CD box]

価格: 9,867円(税込)
Label: Ina-Grm

INA-GRMの隠れ偉業的ボックスセット!!多くの名作ミュージック・コンクレート、エレクトロアコースティック作品を世に送り出したフランス電子音楽界の最高峰機関INA-GRM。本作はINA-GRMとはほぼ無縁ながらも、電子音楽の探求に勤しんできた世界各地の50~60年代生まれのマイナー電子音楽家9名を集めたINA-GRM出版の9枚組CDボックス[9 Trajectoires]。INA-GRMのマスタリングエンジニアであるDiego Losaの珍しい録音、個人的激推しのポーランドの女性作家Elzbieta Sikora、スウェーデンより超異端コンクレートを発信し続けるAke Parmerud、一部マニアにしか知られていない作家の知られざる名作を網羅した決定版。100ページのブックレットが付属。

30 years of electroacoustic creation combining aesthetics and innovation. This box of nine CDs traces the electroacoustic trajectories of nine composers who have explored, through their collaborations with Ina-GRM, the infinite possibilities of sound invention. With Ludger Brümmer, Philippe Leroux, Diego Losa, Mario Mary, Luis Naon, Ake Parmerud, Elzbieta Sikora, Kees Tazelaar, Hans Tutschku.
Acousmatic composition develops through time as the work of the craftsman who gives shape to his work, touch after touch, and observes it from all angles possible. In these nine trajectories, we wanted to show, over time, the approach of composers and the subtleties of their language. In acousmatic music, the work of sound is central to the thought of each composer who projects himself into his music through the sound he constructs and develops and which is, ultimately, the sound of his own personality.
hese trajectories have also multiple origins; composers coming from countries with different sound universes, who approached Ina GRM and found a space to conceive their musique and create their works in concert. We enriched ourselves with these exchanges and we followed their action and their trajectories. It is then nine acousmatic thoughts presented in this box that also restore the trajectory of the Ina GRM in recent years. With Ludger Brümmer, Philippe Leroux, Diego Losa, Mario Mary, Luis Naon, Ake Parmerud, Elzbieta Sikora, Kees Tazelaar, Hans Tutschku.