廃盤LPボックスが滅茶苦茶豪華なボックス仕様でCD化!!1933年ドイツ-ロイトリンゲン出身、イタリアの伝説的即興集団Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanzaの活動初期に参加、ソロでは70年代後半〜80年代中期に掛けてColosseumに数種のLPボックスを残し、90年代に入ってからは自身のReiger-records-reeksより大量のCD音盤を発表し続けた伝説の音楽家ローラント・カイン。オリジナルは1977年にドイツColosseumから3LPボックスで出版、その後2018年にDie Schachtelが復刻を行い瞬く間に廃盤となったレア物件[Simultan]が新たにCDフォーマットで登場。凄まじい聴覚体験に浸れる説明不要の超傑作。リマスタリングはGiuseppe Ielasiが担当。
A stunning journey in sound and a work of profound and intoxicating power, Roland Kayn's “Simultan” stands among the best of all avant-garde electronic works of its era. Die Schachtel, in collaboration with SZ Sugar, is finally able to make available in CD format - after the legendary vinyl-only edition released in 2017 - the first volume in a series of works named “K - Kybernetische Musik”, that documents the birth of Kayn's Cybernetic Music, remastered from the original analog master tapes. The re-emergence of “Simultan” has been long awaited by many, and should be celebrated by everyone with the faintest interest in electronic music. This is a blinder. Totally essential and not to be missed. Available as a 3CD Box limited deluxe edition of 300 copies, also including a lavishly illustrated booklet.
** Edition of 300, remastered from the original analog master tapes. The first in a new series of CD Box sets documenting the birth of Roland Kayn's Cybernetic Music. ** One of the great pioneers of electronic, computer, and instrumental avant-garde music, for most of his life, the German composer Roland Kayn (1933 - 2011) remained almost entirely unknown, a founding member of the legendary ensemble, Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, heralded as a singular genius by a small number of figures like Jim O’Rourke, who is currently curating the archive of the artist.
While Kayn might be easily described as a composer of electronic, electro-acoustic, or computer music, the majority of his career was in fact largely dedicated to the revolutionary sculpting of an entirely new territory of sound: Cybernetic Music, a generative process of composition through programming. “Simultan” was among the first of the composer’s works to emerge from this process. Cybernetic Music grew from Kayn’s longstanding engagement and fascination with data processing theory, which far outweighed his interest in the work of other composers and the zeitgeists of the day - a fact which contributed to his being declared persona non grata by the avant-garde establishment, and ultimately his lasting obscurity. This territory of creativity was the composer’s attempt to allow sound to be self-sufficient, stripping away notions of harmony, melody and rhythm, as much as those of the composer and art, deploying complex networks of electronic devices - early computers, to follow his instructions, taking form through a system of signals and commands.
Created during the period in which Kayn was living in the Netherlands, and recorded with the assistance of electronic music legends Jaap Vink and Leo Küpper, “Simultan” is a work of astounding beauty - filled with a remarkable sense of humanity and touch - a strange incongruity considering the system through which it was made, doubling as an indication of the inherent power of sound which Kayn spent his life fighting to reveal. For fans of avant-garde electronic music, particularly those drawn to the work coming out of Utrecht and Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM), but who have not yet encountered “Simultan”, the work is likely to represent a towering revolution. It stands among the most striking works from the world of sound. Ranging from seductive ambiences, grinding swells of atonally and pure textures, to buried tone clusters, it does everything Kayn set forth in his ambitious project. It is an immersive image of what might be when sound organizes itself, and a metaphor for a way of being - the wonders which happen when we relinquish ego and control.
A stunning journey in sound and a work of profound and intoxicating power, “Simultan” stands among the best of all avant-garde electronic works of its era. Die Schachtel’s lovingly produced boxed edition, which includes a booklet exploring the composer’s work and ideas at length, brings this seminal work back to the public in CD format for the very first time. Its re-emergence has been long awaited by many, and should be celebrated by everyone with the faintest interest in electronic music. Totally essential and not to be missed.
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