ホーム | -----H > Harmonic OozeVicki Brown "Lucky" [CD]

Vicki Brown "Lucky" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)
Label: Harmonic Ooze

素晴らしいセンスで纏められた野外録音/フィールドレコーディングもの!!振付師、ダンサー、映画監督、画家、俳優など、様々なカテゴリーのアーティストらとの仕事で成功を収めてきた、アリゾナ州はツーソンにて活動する孤高の女性ミュージシャン兼作曲家Vicki Brown。30年間住んでいる地元の南部にあるマデラキャニオンで収集したフィールドレコーディング及び、バイオリン、ビオラ、親指ピアノ、ギターを野外録音したソロアルバム[Lucky]。兎に角清々し過ぎる、池、草原、小川、森のサウンドスケープをダイレクトに捉え、時折自作曲を合わせる完璧な一枚。

Digipak Style Custom CD / Limited Edition / For EU based orders we suggest SoundOhm Mail Order / Artwork by Vicki Brown / Design and Layout by Cecyl Ruehlen / Harmonic Ooze

Giant thanks and appreciation to Cecyl Ruehlen for his patience and support in putting this out into the world.

Dedicated to my dear Dad for teaching me to keep my ears wide open.

Lucky is a compilation of happy accidental living room sit-down sessions of what fell out of my hands, recordings made for filmmaker Jeremy Moss (Franklin & Marshall) and choreographer and filmmaker Tori Lawrence (Tori Lawrence + Co), and field recordings of fortunately minimal-to-no people-produced sounds (voices or vehicles) collected during an afternoon in Madera Canyon just south of Tucson where I've made my home for the past 30 years and across the four seasons from 2021-2024 in Wisconsin where I grew up surrounded by prairies, ponds, marshes, creeks, and woods.