構造、テクスチャー共に素晴らしい完成度!!大推薦!!多くの説明は不要、数多くのアンビエント/ミニマルの名作を残すWilliam BasinskiがTemporary Residence Limitedより発表した新作[Lamentations]!!自身が1979年に制作をした古いテープループ・アーカイブをキャプチャし再構築、"哀歌"とのタイトル通り悲劇の情景を深淵な反復で紡ぐ全12曲。とにかく非常に質の高い音源が纏められた傑作盤であり、特に女性のコーラスを利用した[All These Too, I, I Love]は鳥肌モノ。
William Basinski’s reputation as the foremost producer of profound meditations on death and decay has long been established, but on his new album, Lamentations, he transforms operatic tragedy into abyssal beauty. More than any other work since The Disintegration Loops, there is an ominous grief throughout the album, and that sense of loss lingers like an emotional vapor.
Captured and constructed from tape loops and studies from Basinski’s archives – dating back to 1979 – Lamentations is over forty years of mournful sighs meticulously crafted into songs. They are shaped by the inevitable passage of time and the indisputable collapsing of space – and their collective resonance is infinite and eternal.
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