200部限定のクリアヴァイナル版!!2003年の隠れ名作が遂にLP化!!80年代より活動を継続、アンビエント及びコンテンポラリーの重鎮音楽家として知られるイタリアのGigi Masin。本作は同国のエレクトロニクス作家Giuseppe Caprioliと共に2003年に出版した知られざる名作[Moltitudine In Labirinto]の2024年LP再発版。オリジナルの版元がコンテンポラリー/エクスペリメンタル色強めのレーベルの為アンビエントファンには広く知られていない一枚ですが、テープループとライブエレクトロニクスを駆使した非常にバランスの良い抽象音像は間違いなく体感すべき。
LP clear vinyl, ltd. 200 copies
Here we have the precious vinyl reissue of an historic four-handed work by Gigi Masin and Giuseppe Caprioli. The concept of multitude, combined with the figure/symbol of the labyrinth, suggests orders of thought pertaining to the multiple states of being that inhabit the dark labyrinths of the soul and the hidden regions of the human psyche.
Everything in “Moltitudine in labirinto” pushes towards a search for the key to understanding the ultimate meaning of an ordeal as enigmatic as it is powerful. A congerie of paramusical phenomena constantly evolving, which are the expression of an inner feeling strongly focused on itself, dissimulated in the plastic flow of sound events that disclose on the gravitational maps of low-frequency drones, changing waveforms and elliptical-circular loops warped with scientific skill in the electronic workshop employed for this purpose.
A cinematic symphony in nine movements that direct the listener towards the frontiers of unexplored parallel worlds, ready to recreate the infinite maze of aural multitudes that materialise, dissolve and regenerate, impulse after impulse, throughout the work. Music whose remote echo brings to mind the harmony of the spheres that governs the mechanics of the cosmos and being.
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