ホーム | -----# > 13Giancarlo Toniutti, Massimo Toniutti, Deison "Due scritti imperfetti" [CD]

Giancarlo Toniutti, Massimo Toniutti, Deison "Due scritti imperfetti" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: 13

超傑作、凄まじいです!!イタリアの重鎮兄弟の新作が13より登場!!70年代後半より独自のエレクトロアコースティック、即興演奏、ノイズ作品を追求して来たイタリアの重鎮Giancarlo Toniutti、氏の実の兄弟であり80年代初頭より同様の活動を続けるMassimo Toniutti、当店激推しのベテラン兄弟2者と、同国にて90年代中期より活動するCristiano Deisonが初の共作を発表。なんと制作に2年を費やしたという気合のタイトルであり、まさに選りすぐり且つ通好みな物体音を幽玄に組み立てたクール過ぎる3パート。現行の"物音"ファンにもリーチする高内容。

CD, 6-panel digisleeve

"Due scritti imperfetti" contains three compositions meticulously put together by Giancarlo Toniutti, Deison and Massimo Toniutti. The location chosen for this collaboration was primarily the recording studio in Udine where, in a two-year timespan, the authors met to discuss, compose, record, trim, listening back, sifting out sounds and adapting their electro-acoustic mixtures.

The music or rather 'musics' that emerged during this progress, represent different versions of ongoing experiments, a whole construction focussed on details, those presented by ordained processes, then liberated from the order to find it again in the myriad of sound elements. Details arising while they replace and displace and reorganize vanishing fugues, and again details derived from the reinforcement of one-to-one performances, their proliferations and rarefactions in a space, unfettered.

Pâte de verres, invisible spikes and wires scrape, the blend grows and gets together tapping strings, with ribs and stretchers and blowing on the borders, on excited foils, bows and hairs are skipping, slats and staves rebounds, self-built air streams, gliding tiny machines, buzz and dives, fast, faster in the space like tape and knot, stripes and stitches, and fine-tuning timbres, using chisel and timbre and detail and hundreds more modes and means, alloys and montgolfiers, groups or clusters slide away to the boundaries and details tell tales.

Otherwise and inversely balanced, a true electroacoustic work before mastic, before illiteracy.