ホーム | -----R > ReRPeter Cusack "Baikal Ice" [CD]

Peter Cusack "Baikal Ice" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: ReR

70年代はインプロヴィゼーション、ボイスパフォーマンス、フィールドレコーディングをゴチャ混ぜにしたコンセプチュアル作なども発表していた当店大推薦の環境音収集家Peter Cusack。タイトル通りシベリアにある600キロメートルに及ぶ湖"バイカル湖"のフィールドレコーディング作品。バイカル湖は世界最古かつ最深の湖と考えられており地球上の淡水の5分の1を保有、秋から春にかけては1メートルの深さの氷が覆い、本作はその不思議なサウンドをダイレクトにとらえたもの。

Over the last thirty years Peter Cusack has built a reputation as an improvising musician, and is often to be found plucking an array of string instruments, including guitar and balalaika, while simultaneously triggering live electronics. Peter had known for some time about the extraordinary Lake Baikal, a 600 kilometre long lake in Siberia. It is thought to be the world's oldest and deepest lake and holds one fifth of the earth's fresh water. It was only recently, however, that he came across a reference on the internet to the mysterious noises made by the ice, which covers the lake from autumn to spring to the depth of a meter. The sounds are most spectacular when the ice melts and breaks up, and the lake transforms itself back into water. This album is a document of Peter's journey, on a mission to record these sounds. There are humorous incidents, as when a telephone engineer unexpectedly falls through the ice while Peter is recording (he made it out to safety!), or when the local children take over the village's PA system. There are haunting vignettes; a young girl burst into song on the train, on the small branch of the Trans-Siberian railway part of which runs along the shore of the lake; an accomplice of Peter's performs bell-like angular music on the broken metal fountain which they find in the town of Angarsk. But centre stage belongs to the sounds of the ice break-up itself, as ghostly creaks and agonising groans emerge from the tinkling, sparkling flow. Baikal Ice is comparable to Chris Watson's pristine sound recordings, to be found on the Touch label.