Label: Empreintes DIGITALes
日本の音風景を素材とした激ヤバなエレクトロアコースティック!!80年代初頭にシンセサイザーやライブエレクトロニクス演奏を行い、89年から91年に掛けてはシュトックハウゼンのコンサートツアーに同行し楽曲の構成を学んだドイツのコンポーザーHans Tutschku。2014年に3か月間日本に滞在した際に様々な地域を旅行、日常生活、儀式、自然、文化、数え切れない程のサウンドスケープを録音、それをもとに5部構成の電子音楽作品を制作。日本人にとっては馴染みのあるサウンドが面白い形で構築されています。
The 5-part cycle “Remembering Japan” reflects my impressions of a three-month stay in Japan in 2014. I traveled to very different areas of the country, improvised with musicians, and took countless recordings of daily life, ceremonies, nature, and culture. Each of the five parts, which can also be presented individually, treats the sound material in a specific way:
“Part 1: immersion” switches quickly between sound scenes and superimposes temporally and spatially separate events in a high-contrast theater of sounds.
“Part 2: expansion” works with large spaces and distances. But the peaceful ambiance gets disturbed intermittently.
“Part 3: abstraction” transforms sounds in more extreme forms, creating rhythmic layers and textures that rapidly follow one another. The very energetic part functions as a formal climax for the cycle.
“Part 4: suspension” is the calm place of the work: as if dreaming through a veil, we navigate between musical impressions of Japanese culture.
“Part 5: recollection” condenses specific sound memories of my journey and phrases of the previous parts into a short, concluding section. The ambiguity of some moments creates new qualities and relationships which are supposed to point beyond the end of the work.
The composition clearly communicates with Japanese culture while reflecting at the same time my own compositional preoccupations: polyphony, density, space, and memory as structuring and formal principles. The five parts are dedicated to the following friends who have accompanied and supported my work for years: Flô Menezes, Takeyoshi Mori, Jonty Harrison, Annette Vande Gorne, and Karl Lubomirski.