ホーム | -----E > Empreintes DIGITALesEmma Margetson "Contemplations" [CD]

Emma Margetson "Contemplations" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Empreintes DIGITALes

このレーベルには珍しいダークアンビエント的内容!!イギリスのアクースマティック・コンポーザーにしてサウンドアーティストEmma Margetsonが2024年に発表した音源[Contemplations]。ベルギーの電子音楽コンペやロシアObservatoireのV.Aなど、今までコンピレーションへ提供した音源しか聴けなかった作家の初となるソロアルバムで、過去10年間に作曲されたという9つの作品を纏めたもの。物質感の強いエレクトロアコースティックである一方、兎に角暗いダークアンビエント的な仕上げ方が魅力の一枚。

Nine works composed over the past decade charting a prolonged engagement with the medium of sound. The passing of time remains an important focus within the album. Throughout, sound stands on the edge of the abyss of being; it is evanescent, a temporal fading that passings just as it arrives.

About “Contemplations”

“Contemplations” is an album of introspection and reflection, and gestures towards new perspectives. The included works have been composed over the course of the past decade, and charts a prolonged engagement with the medium of sound (from objects to places, feelings to experiences).

The passing of time remains an important focus within the album. Throughout, sound stands on the edge of the abyss of being; it is evanescent, a temporal fading that passes just as it arrives. “Tick” (2015) and “Elapsing” (2021-22) bookend the compositions, articulating the evolution of my compositional thinking throughout this period, with its disjunct levels of contemplative reflection.