ホーム | -----S > Sub RosaSurvival Research Laboratories (Mark Pauline / GX Juppiter-Larsen) [CD]

Survival Research Laboratories (Mark Pauline / GX Juppiter-Larsen) [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Sub Rosa

Sub Rosaよりオリジナルのストックを入手!!カリフォルニアのアーティストにして彫刻家、ロボットビルダーであるMark Paulineが1978年に設立、産業、科学、軍事技術に関する風刺をテーマに、厳ついロボット及び機械によるド派手なパフォーマンスを米国、ヨーロッパ、日本にて計50回以上実践してきたSurvival Research Laboratories(SRL)。パフォーマーとしてThe Hatersでもお馴染みのGX Jupitter-Larsenが参加しており、本作は90年代パフォーマンスを中心にエディットし収録した大変貴重な"音源"としての出版作品。無骨な機械音やら爆発音がノイズの如き様相で続いていく凄まじい内容。

At the very beginning of Survival Research Laboratories in 1978, the group's founder Mark Pauline predicted that people would eventually start building their own technology in order to seize control of the very violence that characterizes the age we live in. Survival Research Laboratories was conceived and founded by Mark Pauline in November 1978. Since its inception, SRL has operated as an organization of creative technicians dedicated to re-directing the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations. Since 1979, SRL has staged over 50 mechanized presentations in the United States, Europe and Japan, each performance consisting of a unique set of ritualized interactions between robots and other machines. Humans are present only as operators and audience members.

Once called anti-escapist entertainment, Survival Research performances have always been much more than the robotainment presented now-a-days on cable TV. SRL shows employ themes of socio-political satire. they also give the human audience something few others can, a very real sense of danger. With all the smoke and fire and noise, SRL shows always seem genuinely life-threatening. SRL shows provide both a catharsis and a philosophic lesson in man's mortality and his relationship with machines.

MARK PAULINE is a Californian artist, sculptor and robot-machine builder. Since late seventies he has created some of the most destructive events ever imaginated. He and his crew generally organize in the desert, battles between intelligent machines until their final auto-destruction. What we propose here is all the destructive mood of these shows.

GX JUPPITER-LARSEN is a musician and sound designer involved for more than ten years in the American radical noise band THE HATERS. He composed for Mark Pauline some introduction music to push people who watch into a certain state of nervousness, in a certain degree of anxiosity, before the coming of the self-destructive machines. in some other part, this is a mix-up of machines, screams, motors, bombs, music and noises.