ホーム | -----S > SoaveRoberto Musci "Goodbye Monsters" [White LP]

Roberto Musci "Goodbye Monsters" [White LP]

価格: 4,257円(税込)
Label: Soave

限定300部、ホワイトヴァイナル仕様!!1974年から1985年にかけてアフリカ、インド、東南アジアの音楽を学ぶために世界中を旅し、現地にて音楽を録音、世界各地の民族楽器を研究及び収集して来たイタリア実験界の重要人物の一人Roberto Musci。歴史的傑作[The Loa Of Music]及びGiovanni Venostaとの共作で知られる人物が、なんとカルト物件復刻レーベルSoaveより久々の新録を発表!! 旅、民族、神秘主義をテーマに過去の作風を踏襲する無国籍でオブスキュアな音源を積み上げています。

Roberto Musci, born in Milan in 1956, studied guitar, music and electronic instruments. From 1974 to 1985 he traveled the world studying African, Indian, Arab and Oriental music recording ethnic music “in the field,” studying and collecting ethnic musical instruments from all parts of the world. His self-produced debut album, “The Loa of Music,” is a seminal work of staggering originality and extraordinary beauty in which field recordings, musique concrète, electronics, synthesis and instrumentation are interwoven, drawing on the countless musics from all over the World that he recorded.

The subsequent “Water messages on desert sand,” composed with Giovanni Venosta, was nominated for a Grammy in the UK in 1987. In the 1980s 'and 90s' he broadcast ethnic and electronic-experimental music from Rai and Radio Popolare radio stations. He has also composed and played music for videos, commercials, dance, poetry, theater, composed soundtracks and accompanied silent films live.
From 1980 to the present, he has played with many Italian and European musicians: Giovanni Venosta, Claudio Gabbiani, Walter Prati, Giorgio Magnanensi, Massimo Cavallaro, Massimo Mariani, Moni Ovadia, Roberto Zorzi, Chris Cutler, Jon Rose David Moss, Steve Piccolo, Elliott Sharp, Keith Tippett and the Third Ear Band.

The theme of travel, ethnicities and mysticism are a pivotal point in this new album of his as well, demonstrating once again how music needs absolutely no sharp lines of demarcation. The music is one.
It goes from the search for deep meanings in a time spent in a Hindu monastery (Ashram) listening to mantras and studying Buddhist philosophy to space explorations and human settlements on the Moon or Mars wondering how man will live and what he will bring to the new worlds imagining that Sufism, an Islamic mystical religion, will accompany him in the discovery of new worlds. An inspired Roberto Musci is increasingly aware of his hypnotic and visionary language.