ホーム | -----A > An'archivesAndrew Chalk "Dioramas" [LP]

Andrew Chalk "Dioramas" [LP]

価格: 5,687円(税込)
Label: An'archives

フランスAn'archivesよりAndrew Chalkの新作LPがリリース!!ソロ名義の音源としては2022年ICRからの[The End Times]以来2年以上振りとなる音源であり、全15曲からなる小作品で統一された内容。限定350部、180グラム重量盤、帯、大判インサート、ポストカード付きの豪華仕様。




On Andrew Chalk’s new album for An’archives, Dioramas, he returns to the art of the
miniaturist, after the long-form exploration of 2024’s Songs Of The Sea. It’s an
appropriate mode of address given the title – each of these fifteen pieces indeed
feels like a replica of a specific scene, rendered in miniature. As with much of
Chalk’s music, they set out to explore humble terrain, a thread of melody in slow
motion, or a weave of texture, sometimes in aquatic repose, moving like slow tides.
There’s a becalmed warmth to much of Dioramas, along with some curious
developments: a pronounced folksy lilt to the melody that’s turned over and over, like
a jewel slowly spinning on a dial, in “The Carrach”; the lush churchiness of the organ
in the hymnal “The Changes”; the stretched strings that quiver and whisper on the
closing “Lonely House”. These subtle changes can seem profound at first blush, but
they simply highlight aspects of Chalk’s music that we sometimes miss; they
eventually settle into the scenery.