Label: Soave
100部限定のクリアヴァイナル版入荷!!オリジナルは1973年に自主出版、お馴染みの電子音楽CD-R化レーベルCreel Poneも活動初期の2006年に出版していた電子音楽家Steve Birchallによる唯一のソロLPフォーマット作[Reality Gates]。イタリアのアヴァン/カルト物件復刻レーベルSoaveによるリイシュー版。突き刺さるような高音のオープニングトラック[Music Of The Spheres]で幕を明け、その後はEMS VCS-3を使い倒した先鋭的小宇宙が広がり続ける、半世紀を経た今でも驚かされる事必至の音世界。
100 Copies
Soave Records dusts off in limited edition the psych/synth album by Doctor Steven T. Birchall recorded in 1973 in Indiana, U.S.A. with the following equipment: VCS-3 (The Putney) by EMS, Ampex MM-1000 16 trk, dbx noise reduction, SpectrasSonics Console, Studer A80 Recorder, Eventide Clockworks, Instant Phaser, Cooper Time Cube, EMT Reverb.
The absolutely penetrating high tones of the opening track 'Music Of The Spheres' announce us that we are on board, passengers in the hands, or perhaps better to say in the mind, of Birchall who aims to go beyond those "normal" boundaries that we call reality. It is a new world of music that still amazes after half a century. A higher stage of truth projected into the cosmos.