ホーム | -----I > IDEAL RecordingsJOHN DUNCAN / SCHEINTOT "Split" [Splatter LP]


価格: 3,707円(税込)
Label: IDEAL Recordings

200部限定スプラッター・ヴァイナル仕様!!豪華メンバー等によるノイジー録音!!70年代から今尚精力的なリリースを続けるLAFMS系でも知られる人気作家のJohn Duncan。自身もプレイヤーとして参加、Mats Gustafsson、Antoine Chessex、Martin Escalante、Dror Feiler、Ulrich Kriegerら錚々たるメンバーと共に録音し、最終的なミックスまでを担当した大規模実験録音。ノイズ、フリー ジャズ、ミニマリズムが激しく交錯する非常にカッコイイ内容となっており、他にもここIDEAL RecordingsのオーナーJoachim Nordwallの新ユニットScheintotの新録も収録。こちらはKorg MS20を中心としたストレンジなエレクトロアコースティック的仕上がり。

High quality splatter vinyl (transparent / black),

John Duncan's "SAXMIX" is one massive piece of contemporary experimental music, which lets noise collide with free jazz and extreme minimalism. Duncan is a master when it comes to these things, and he is an artists constantly evolving, mutating and challenging. The sax thing then? JD has invited some of his fav sax players to collaborate with him; Mats Gustafsson, Antoine Chessex, Martin Escalante, Dror Feiler and Ulrich Krieger. Did I say MASSIVE? Well, it is.

Scheintot is a new debuting trio consisting of Mats Gustafsson (sax/flute), Henrik Rylander (mixing desk) and myself on Korg MS20 which might be my fav synth ever, or right now at least. This is weird stuff. Not sure where this is going but I guess you will enjoy it if you are into stuff we have done before, but this sits comfortably in its own corner, and we are not smart enough to be ashamed over sounding so infected.