ホーム | -----D > Dirter PromotionsBand of Pain "Uncle God’s Pag Pag Banquet" [2CD + etched unplayable vinyl]

Band of Pain "Uncle God’s Pag Pag Banquet" [2CD + etched unplayable vinyl]

価格: 4,917円(税込)
Label: Dirter Promotions

完成までに3年を費やしたという気合のタイトル!!内容、またフィジカルとしての完成度も目茶苦茶ヤバい逸品!!ここDirter PromotionsのオーナーSteve Pittisが主宰、Nurse With Woundとも縁深いプロジェクトとして知られるBand Of Painの激ヤバ物件。NWWからはSteven Stapleton、Andrew Liles、そしてFAUSTのJean-Herve Peron、Jeanne-Marie Varainが参加した豪華過ぎるメンバー達による録音ブツであり、パッケージはなんとLPサイズのゲートフォールド・ジャケット、2枚のCDとSteven Stapletonのエッチングによる再生不可のLPが封入された超豪華仕様。CD音源はエッチングLPの各A、Bサイドに割り当てられており、最適な音質を実現するために敢えてCDフォーマットでリリースしたとの事。ジャケットデザインはSteven Stapleton(Babs Santini)。大推薦。

Three years in the making, at last we have the stunning new Band Of Pain album. It features contributions from Steven Stapleton and Andrew Liles from Nurse With Wound and Jean-Hervé Peron and Jeanne-Marie Varain from Faust, as well as the usual suspects. It is packaged in a beautiful gloss laminated 12” gatefold sleeve with artwork that is unique to this release by Steven Stapleton (Babs Santini). It also features calligraphy by the wonderful Geoff Cox, who is known for his previous work for Current 93/NWW and, of course, the book “England’s Hidden Reverse”. The format is a 2 CD set – one CD for side one and one for side two. This keeps with the intended LP concept, but has CD fidelity for the best audio quality for this type of music. In the sleeve’s rear opening is a vinyl LP. It’s an unplayable 12” record with exclusive Steven Stapleton etchings.