ホーム | -----D > Dirter PromotionsConsumer Electronics "Surge" [CD]

Consumer Electronics "Surge" [CD]

価格: 2,717円(税込)
Label: Dirter Promotions

1982年に結成、様々なメンバー編成を経て現在はPhilip BestとRussell Haswellの2者で動くベテランプロジェクトConsumer Electronics。元メンバーでもあったRamlehのGary Mundyを一部楽曲にゲストとして迎えた新作[Surge]。個人的な苦悩や崩壊など狂気じみた歌詞を歌うPhilip Best、ザクザクと荒いサウンドスケープとリズミカルなエレクトロニクスを投下するRussell Haswell、最先端のテクノロジーと原始的な電子機器を組み合わせ過去一ノイジー且つアグレッシブに仕上げた全7曲。厚手のボード紙によるミニゲートフォールドスリーブ仕様。

Consumer Electronics return with “Surge” — a brand new album containing 7 tracks and with a run-time of 42 minutes. The duo of Philip Best and album producer Russell Haswell deliver a hallucinatory vision of the world — as it appears in 2024 e.v. Noticeably noisier and more aggressive than previous releases, CE dive even further into the chaos of sonic manipulation and mind-bending frequencies. Best’s lyrics are among his most demented yet, written in the shadow of intimate distress, global conflict, and resigned disintegration. For his part, Haswell conjures crunching landscapes of sound and fiery rhythmic propulsions. The pair use state of the art technology allied with cracked and fractured primitive electronics. Exquisitely crafted to give the listener a disquieting look into the abyss. “I want to tell you / in this music / you hear / the sound / of plane after plane / taking off / amphetamine surge / Mahler’s pain / Wagner’s decline / what good are expectations? / what good are explanations? / get up / get up / children / it’s time.” Featuring a guest appearance by long time cohort Gary Mundy of RAMLEH, this should be considered the definitive CE album. Track listing: Michael. Kitten. Launch Code. Dirt And Dust. Side Blaster. Contaminant. Surge. Full colour artwork by Philip Best. Packaged in heavy board mini gatefold sleeve, with inner and insert.