ホーム | -----A > Anomala SoundscapesMaath "VACO" [LP]

Maath "VACO" [LP]

価格: 4,257円(税込)
Label: Anomala Soundscapes

廃盤、今回限りの入荷となります!!100部限定の2024年重要タイトル漸く入荷!!イタリアのレーベルであるここAnomala Soundscapesを主宰、自身も音楽家として長年活動を続けているMarco RamassottoのソロプロジェクトMaathの音源。同レーベルの傑作サウンドスケープ作[IMPRESSIONI ORGANIZZATE DI ANSIE LIQUIDE]と同時出版された作品であり、内容は数年に渡りこの作家が収集したフィールドレコーディング・コレクションを用いたハイブリッドな環境音ミックス。一時期フランシスコ・ロペスが展開していた凄まじい強度のシリーズ"The Epoche Collection"にも通じる高密度な自然音。超傑作。

The album was born from a series of field recordings collected over several years. Once assembled, gradually, they revealed to me a sort of sound film. Things happen, few in reality, they happen in the distance or in a subdued way, and what comes out of it is something apparently concrete and aseptic but in reality very tense, a substratum of restlessness and a sense of panic enhanced by the use of bass and other instruments that almost do not stand out.
The esoteric character is completed by the cover, minimal, just an envelope perforated with a sticker in which all the written content is summarized. The appearance enhances the mystery of listening a bit and at the same time it is a bit of a graphic paradox, I buy the vinyl for graphics that are almost not there. Furthermore, the stickers represent the 5 Platonic solids which symbolize the alchemical elements of the past Fire Earth Water Air Sky which can be felt when listening to the 2 songs.
Massimiliano Busti . Blow up Magazine