Label: Un Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi
レイモンド・スコットの[SOOTHING SOUNDS FOR BABY]シリーズに繋がる面白い試みです!!子供向けに作られた電子音楽付き絵本!!フランスで活動する音楽家FunkenことJulien Senelasが制作した、イカを主人公とした44ページで綴られた物語と、その世界を表現したサウンドのCDをセットにした子供向け録音ブツ[Daniel dans la nuit]。フルカラーのイラストで進行する夜の冒険の物語と、60年代から70年代の米ミニマリストからインスピレーションを得た反復電子が織りなすユーモラスな世界。
"Daniel de la Nuit" is a book/record for kids composed by the french musician Funken. An illustrated story imagined by Carmela Chergui and Timo Hateau (44 color pages - format 16x23 cm - French).
Daniel is a nice little squid, everyone will tell you that in Villeneuve-la-Roussette. But today, it's something else. It's nighttime, and he refuses to go back to sleep. And it's not just any night! It's the Night of the Periwinkles! Taking advantage of a moment of inattention from his father, he escapes from home and wakes up the villagers one by one... Set to music with tenderness and illustrated with humor, this nocturnal odyssey will appeal to any type of invertebrate as well as their parents.
For creating the music for Daniel dans la nuit, Funken (Julien Sénélas) drew inspiration from American minimalist music of the 60s-70s, known as "repetitive music." He employed his modular synthesizer to generate polyrhythmic patterns and a miniature synth: the 2021 Pocket Piano, whose arpeggios symbolize Daniel's evolution in this underwater night.