ホーム | -----S > Siren RecordsM. B. "603…ANNUS MUNDI" [CD]

M. B. "603…ANNUS MUNDI" [CD]

価格: 1,727円(税込)
Label: Siren Records

当店にてかなりの数を販売したM.B.の廃盤タイトル[ORGANEMIA]に続く、国内Siren RecordsによるM.B.再発シリーズ新作!!80年代よりイタリアノイズのパイオニアの一人として活動を続け、既に活動歴は40年を超えた重鎮Maurizio Bianchi。オリジナルは2006年にイタリアのSine3pmがダデジタルフォーマットのみで出版した[603… Annus Mundi]がAndrew Chalkのリマスタリングで初CD化。M.B.本人が執筆した気合のライナーノーツの内容通り素晴らしい作品に仕上がっています。


[603… Annus Mundi]

結果は驚くべきもので、私は「603... ANNUS MUNDI」というランダムで不確定なタイトルをつけました。3つの省略記号は、消滅の正確な日付を示すことを避けるための意図的な選択であり、個人の見方によってさまざまな解釈が可能です。このようにして、虚無のキャンバスに、終わりを待つ空虚な焦燥感が描かれたのです。





マウリッツィオ ビアンキ (2024年7月)

When I decided to compose this work saturated with negativity, I was filled with apocalyptic thoughts and emotions, because inside me I was convinced that the end of this inconsistent system of things was very near.

So, I prepared two sound carpets, permeated by saturated sounds and electronic modulations dripping with alienation and desperation. The result amazed me to such an extent that I decided to put a random and indefinite title, "603... ANNUS MUNDI" with the three ellipses, almost as if not to indicate a precise date for the annihilation, but subject to various interpretations, at the discretion of the individual. Thus, the sense of empty frustration was brushed onto the canvas of emptiness, waiting for the end...

After having triggered this loose cannon, I decided to launch it only in digital format, only for a few followers, until the moment in which this work post- apocalyptic was rediscovered by the sensitive and perceptive ear of Daisuke Suzuki, a great admirer of my works, who, in agreement with me, entrusted the remastering to the capable and intuitive hands of Andrew Chalk, a person who understood the depth and essence of my message steeped in spiritual experimentation.

Now these legitimate but disturbing questions remain pending:

When will the end come?
Could there then be a new beginning?
And what part can we have in all this?

The answers, in part, are found in listening to this work, while what will never be answered are our now demotivated reflections. Because then it will be the dramatic epilogue...
“Maurizio Bianchi (July 2024)”