ホーム | -----R > Room40Alvin Curran "ARCHEOLOGY // ARCHEOLOGIA" [CD + Booklet]

Alvin Curran "ARCHEOLOGY // ARCHEOLOGIA" [CD + Booklet]

価格: 2,717円(税込)
Label: Room40

初期の作風を思わせる超傑作、出版までに3年を費やした凄まじい一枚です!! 多くの説明は不要、前衛集団Musica Elettronica Vivaの核にして米重要コンポーザーAlvin Curranの新作ソロ音源。長年望まれて来たという、氏の1970年代の古典的スタイルを踏襲した実験環境音コラージュであり、当店にてカセット再発した83年[Natural History]、また82年[Canti Illuminati]など、往年の傑作を彷彿とさせる非常に完成された内容。この人物の素材選びのセンスはまさに別次元!! お見逃し無く!!

Matte laminate and monochrome printed sleeve, insert card, fold out booklet with exclusive documents and notes from Alvin Curran.

t has taken me over 50 years to write these words. Since my initial successes in the 1970’s many have urged me to “release” unpublished works from the same period, pieces that featured the VCS3 synths or the amazing Serge (which I regret not having used enough) or pieces featuring soundscapes from my classic environmental composition style.

For reasons of persistence and empathy, Lawrence English at Room 40 was the most persuasive; now, nearly 3 years after our agreement, a new publication composed with materials from that inceptive period has come to fruition.

While I’m condemned to live evermore in the past, it is the future where I continue to put my remaining creative energies. Nonetheless, in the creation of these 2 “new” works I did all I could to avoid sentimentalism or get buried by my own history and the musical riches of the late 20th Century.

Relistening to these forgotten fragments of old tapes included inspiring and useful surprises.