Label: Room40
ストックを発見!!美しい5パネル・ダイカットスリーブ仕様!!1980年代からHands To名義と並行してテクスチャー重視のフィールド&物音録音を制作し続けている当店大推薦の作家Jeph Jerman。米コンポーザーにしてマルチインストゥルメンタリストGreg Davisと共同制作した、2006年廃盤タイトル[Ku]のストックを発見~入荷しました!!スティック、石、ローファイエレクトロニクス、プリペアド・インストゥルメントを使いJeph Jermanが所有する牧場内を歩き回って演奏した物音即興ですが、音の流れるような動き、また乾いた質感の響きはもはやフィールドレコーディング的趣き。
Five Panel custom diecut sleeve, matte celo laminate.
The act of conjuring remarkable sound from found objects is at the
very heart of this recording from American musicians Greg Davis and
Jeph Jerman. Having met in Arizona some years back, Davis and
Jerman commenced working together on a series of recording
Improvising with a range of implements and devices ranging from
sticks, stones and low-fi electronics to prepared instruments, gongs
and broken percussion, the pair sought to develop a personal
language that reflected their individual approaches but also created
a shared sensibility and aesthetic quality. Placing their work in a range
of environments, most of which orbit around Jerman’s ranch in
Cottonwood, Davis and Jerman create a richly textured array of
sounds from the most modest of sonic tools.
Each of the works featured here collects together multiple improvised
sessions, which have been edited to create a flowing sense of
movement and space. These tempered post-concréte works resolve a
joint interest from these two musicians in the act of freeform found
sound improvisation and experimentation.