ホーム | -----H > Hanson RecordsLeila Bordreuil "1991, Summer, Huntington Garage Fire" [Cassette]

Leila Bordreuil "1991, Summer, Huntington Garage Fire" [Cassette]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Hanson Records

Aaron Dillowayがここ数年で見た最高のライブコンサートの記録を作品化!!伝説的エクスペリメンタル/ノイズバンドWolf Eyesの創設メンバーにして多くの名作を送り出すHanson Recordsの主宰者、そしてミシガンノイズの最重要人物としても知られる超人気の米音楽家Aaron Dilloway。本作は氏がここ数年の中で体験した最高のライブドキュメントだったと語る、ブルックリンの孤高の女性チェロ奏者Leila Bordreuilのライブアクトを収めたカセット音源。ゆっくりとエレクトロニクスとチェロを増幅、何か浄化するかの様に混沌としたフィードバックを放射し続ける60分。

The A-side and title track of this cassette is a live document of one the best live concerts I've seen/heard in the past few years. It was recorded during a house party cookout in Leila’s backyard that I was lucky enough to attend. She played along to a video recording her partner’s family had made for their insurance after a garage fire back in 1991. The audio of the video was played through the PA and Leila slowly builds her electronics and cello into a psychotic inferno of wild noise and feedback. At the zenith of the piece it’s like if PAN SONIC (playing at their most raw) decided to play a set with live squealing pigs. It’s insane, raw, disturbing and cleansing. The remaining pieces are lush and haunting tracks made using the audio of the VHS as source material. Full as fuck C-60.