ホーム | -----H > Hanson RecordsV.A "Timara: Electroacoustic Music At Oberlin Vol. 2" [LP]

V.A "Timara: Electroacoustic Music At Oberlin Vol. 2" [LP]

価格: 3,487円(税込)
Label: Hanson Records

Aaron Dillowayが監修した無名の学生達による電子及び実験音楽V.A第二弾!!オハイオ州オーバーリンにある"オバーリン音楽院"。1969年にキャンパスで開講した電子音楽およびコンピューター音楽コース"TIMARA"の50周年を祝して制作された、所属の学生達によるコンピレーション作。出版元であるHanson RecordsのAaron Dillowayがプロデューサーを務めており、アカデミックなエレクトロ・アコースティックのアプローチから脱却した様々な表現が収録されています。



A1 Katarina Elyse Mazur – Yarrow 1:13
A2 Marly Gonzalez – BLIP 4:00
A3 Joshua Augustin – Music From Study No. 1 2:48
A4 Ko Takasugi Czernowin – Nature Bent 2:27
A5 Aurie Hsu – Music Box 5:11
B1 Phoebe Mapes-Frances, Diana Gruber – IKU 2:02
B2 Jack Hamill – The Futurist 2:21
B3 Peter Swendsen – four moments near water Movement 3 2:28
B4 Drew Smith – Open Your Window 4:24
B5 Piper Hill – Public Revelation 2:28
B6 Peter Swendsen – four moments near water Movement 2 2:26

The TIMARA Department at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music traces its roots to the first electronic and computer music courses taught on campus in 1969. Today we celebrate TIMARA's first 50 years in newly renovated professional studios, where our dedicated undergraduate students work in diverse media including live electronics, acoustic and electroacoustic composition, sound art, video, performance art, instrument building, and music for dance, theater, film, and radio. The TIMARA community is welcoming to all and eager to continue encouraging diversity in the field.

All works recorded and edited by the composers in the TIMARA studios.